Many of us recognize and resonate with some of our most-often quoted Founding Documents, such as this paragraph from the Declaration of Independence: 

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

We’ve grown up with these sentiments. We’ve heard and sung the Star-Spangled Banner countless times and totally believe that we live in the ‘land of the free and the home of the brave.” Unfortunately, most of us have been lulled to sleep as to what this Republic has become. 

And yes, it is a Republic, not a democracy!

The Law of the Land is the Constitution for the United States, and it is considered by wise and thoughtful statesmen to be the most ingenious model for government ever devised in the history of the world, because it was inspired by God. 

So what has happened? 

Consider that over decades of deceit and slow usurpation of our uniquely American way of life, the culture and the knowledge of our founding documents have been quietly removed from our education system. Countless unconstitutional acts have been passed and are regarded as current law. We the People, no longer understand our relationship to, and responsibility regarding, the Constitution.

Can you call to mind the blessings that were recited in the Preamble? Do you know which parts of the Constitution are untouchable by our public servants? Can you defend your Constitution if you don’t know what it says?   


Join us in learning what tools and remedies our Founding Fathers left us, embedded in the Constitution. They gave us a responsibility to enforce the law, but if you are unaware of what that law is and your relationship to it, tyranny will continue to reign and liberties will continue to disappear.

What our students are saying: