Constitution Discussion Group
Sacramento County
Announcing our 3 NEW locations for our
Constitution Discussion Group
Join us in Sacramento, Galt, Placer County
and El Dorado County
Below you will find the Dates, Times and Locations for Sacramento and Galt locations. (When registering please enter either Sacramento or Galt location in the "City" field). For Placer and El Dorado County, Click on the tab above.
For the Sacramento class: Your registration will help us determine the size of the room we will need. Please try to attend all sessions. If you know you will be absent for any reason, please email or text 916-806-1214. Thank you!
Signup today
Note, in the City field below, please enter the class location you would like to attend. Thank you!
Disclaimer: We will never share your information. We will contact you only for the purpose of notifying you of our Constitution classes and/or events. You may unsubscribe at any time!
Thank you for signing up!
We look forward to seeing you in our next class!